There’s a difference between a great national brand and a great global brand.
A great national brand perfectly speaks to the hopes, needs and values of a single people. But a great global brand has the ability to reach far further. And prove its relevance across a far more diverse range of cultures, beliefs and social circumstances.
My work on the BBC demonstrates my ability to build truly great global brands.
I first worked on its advertising for Western markets, where I produced print that emphasised its unique capacity to explain the confusing world around us. Thanks to having embedded reporters, living and working not just in a few countries – but in 142 nations worldwide.
This was my first ad in the "Making Sense of it All" campaign for award-winning independent agency Curio. It focused on the power of far-off conflicts to affect events closer to home. I later became lead writer on the account for Curio's successor agency, Virtuality. I worked on the BBC account for over 5 years.
Agency: Curio, London
Over the next five years, I worked on campaigns that tailored the BBC’s messaging to a wide variety of needs and cultures – across six continents.
AFRICA. Across parts of the world with imperfect democracies, outright dictatorships, and state censorship – the work emphasised the BBC’s capacity to get the voices of local people heard, both within a nation, across a continent – and also in the wider world.
In nations with a vast number of language cultures - like India - the work emphasised the BBC’s ability to fully reflected the diversity of “Life as it's Lived” in its full range and diversity across a broad range of communities.
It was my work running on the streets of Iraq during the overthrow of Saddam, and the turbulence that followed. At a chaotic moment, the work was deliberately calm and unemotive, it emphasised the BBC’s universality. A global voice. Rather than one representing a single nation or agenda.
As a sign of its success, the campaign was soon running in other markets across the Middle East.
I have also also worked on B2B as well as B2C messaging across multiple markets. Helping the BBC brand build alliances with local partners, and deepening its roots in global markets.
The "Making Sense of It All" campaign, evolved into "Because Understanding is Everything." This again focused on the BBC's capacity to replace "shock and fear" news with context and analysis. And make things that feel culturally incomprehensive easier to analyse and understand.
As Broadcasting changed in the UK, the BBC wanted to reach out to independents, to build revenue from renting out parts of their vast facilities. I voiced that ourreach in colorful DM that ushered in a new era of collaboration.
The BBC is constantly evolving. And I assisted with that evolution.
Red Bee Media was a commercial spinoff from the BBC. Set up to handle a vast and evolving range of broadcast services. Including transmitting hundred of BBC and other channels across a range of platforms. Including digital terrestrial, satellite, cable, web and mobile and video on demand.
I worked on their highly-successful launch advertising and branding. Making the sheer range of scale of their services feel Simple, friendly and comprehensible.
My work helped build the BBC’s share of voice and partnerships in domestic markets and worldwide. It encompassed the vast range of their services. Reflecting my ability to understand the nuances of complex brands, speak to a broad range of user communities –and help them take advantage of their opportunities across range of markets.
BRANDING- Building the brand, and adapting message to local markets, while maintaining core brand values across those markets.
CREATIVE STRATEGY- analysing challenges and opportunities
COPYWRITING - Print, poster and DM
Core Team:
Simon Dyer: Designer/ Mike Kerr: Writer
Curio, London
Virtuality, London
How do you build a community around a gaming platform?
How do you drive more of the world to a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
How do you help America’s broker convince more of America to use it?
"During my time as Creative Director at Curio and as Managing Director of Virtuality, Mike has been central to the majority of work undertaken by both companies. And has proved himself to be one of the most original creative thinkers and expert copywriters I have ever had the pleasure to work with. With Mike’s help, Virtuality has continued to grow existing business and to attract a host of new organisations."
SIMON DYER, Managing Director, Virtuality